Tuesday, 6 January 2015

ODI-Create JDBC GridLink data sources-

Configure database connectivity with your Oracle RAC installation by adding a JDBC GridLink data source to your WebLogic domain. Data sources and their connection pools provide connection management processes that help keep your system running efficiently.
To create a JDBC GridLink data source:
1.    If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit 
2.    In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, then select Data Sources.
3.    On the Summary of Data Sources page, click New and select GridLink Data Source.
4.    On the JDBC Data Sources Properties page, enter or select the following information:
Name - Enter a name for this JDBC GridLink data source. This name is used in the configuration file (config.xml) and throughout the Administration Console whenever referring to this data source.
JNDI Name - Enter the JNDI path to where this JDBC data source will be bound. Applications look up the data source on the JNDI tree by this name when reserving a connection.
Database Driver - Select the database driver would you like to use to create database connections.
Click Next to continue.
5.    On the Transaction Options page, follow these steps. Depending on the driver you selected on the JDBC GridLink Data Source Properties page, you may not need to specify any of these options.
Supports Global Transactions - Select this check box (the default) to enable global transaction support in this data source. Clear this check box to disable (ignore) global transactions in this data source. In most cases, you should leave the option selected.
If you selected Supports Global Transactions, select an option for transaction processing: (available options vary depending on whether you select an XA driver or a non-XA driver)
·         Two-Phase Commit - Select this option to enable standard XA processing.
This option is only available when you select an XA JDBC driver to make database connections.
·         Logging Last Resource - Select this option to enable a non-XA JDBC connection to participate in global transactions using the Logging Last Resource (LLR) transaction optimization. Recommended in place of Emulate Two-Phase Commit.
This option is only available when you select a non-XA JDBC driver to make database connections.
·         Emulate Two-Phase Commit - Enables a non-XA JDBC connection to emulate participation in distributed transactions using JTA. Select this option only if your application can tolerate heuristic conditions.
This option is only available when you select a non-XA JDBC driver to make database connections.
·         One-Phase Commit - Select this option to enable the non-XA connection to participate in a global transaction as the only transaction participant.
This option is only available when you select a non-XA JDBC driver to make database connections.
Click Next to continue.
6.    On the GridLink data source connection Properties Options page, select whether you will enter the complete JDBC URL or enter individual host and port pair values and let the assistant generate the JDBC URL.
If you selected to enter the complete JDBC URL, enter the URL in Complete JDBC URL. Otherwise, provide the following:
·         Service Name - Specify the service name of the database to which you want to connect.
·         Host Name and Port- Enter the DNS name or IP address and port number of the server that hosts the database.
Database User Name - Enter the database user account name that you want to use for each connection in the data source.
Password/Confirm Password - Enter the password for the database user account.
Protocol - If required, change the value from TCP to SDP. Note, to use Socket Direct Protocol (SDP), your database network must be configured to use Infiniband.
oracle.jdbc.DRCPConnectionClass - Optionally, enter the Database Resident Connection Pooling (DCRP) connection class if required by your environment.
Click Next to continue.
8.    On the Test GridLink Database Connection page, review the connection parameters and click Test All Listeners. To test individual listeners, click Test Listener.
WebLogic attempts to create a connection from the Administration Server to the database. Results from the connection test are displayed at the top of the page. If the test is unsuccessful, you should correct any configuration errors and retry the test.
Click Next to continue.
9.    On the ONS Client Configuration page, enter values for the following properties:
Select Fan Enabled to subscribe to Oracle Fan Events.
Enter the ONS host and port for each ONS node. Entering the ONS host and port information is optional if the Auto-ONS feature is supported by the database.
Optionally, configure an ONS wallet file if you want ONS to use SSL protocol.
Click Next to continue.
10. On the Test ONS client configuration page, review the parameters and click Test All ONS Nodes. To test individual nodes, click Test ONS Node for an ONS host and port.
Click Next to continue.
11. On the Select Targets page, select the servers or clusters on which you want to deploy the data source.
12. Click Finish to save the JDBC data source configuration and deploy the data source to the targets that you selected.
13. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart .

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